From my birth, I watched my grandfather's fluorescent color schemes unfold on canvas, alongside the faint smell of oil paints that lingered throughout our family's home. I inherited a sufficient amount of a similar creativity. Just as many of my relatives painted at an easel, I evolved my talent to do the same at a much larger scale. My murals have covered massive walls from most of the West, including a few oversea locations, Hawaii and Colombia. From the forest ocean sides of Oregon, to the Louisiana bayous, I have painted murals that peak out from immense magic landscapes of the nation. Images of dancing sugar skulls adorned with roses in the Southwest, to portraits of international activists with profound quotes in Oakland. When an inspirational vision comes at me, whether it be a person, color, or pattern, it is perfectly clear that it must be part of my next piece. When the deep visions I feel within myself, collage themselves into vibrant stories visually depicted on a massive wall side, I feel the most complete as a being. It is my absolute calling to paint. My motivation of this impactful output comes from my own love of public mural art. Growing up reading and studying of the great renaissance muralists, infamous graffiti artists, and the temple scribes from Peru to Egypt, I realized that visual communication is Universal language. The accessibility to contemporary street art today is the biggest movement in all of art history. Galleries and art museums still flourish in business but have a contrasting effect to the power of public murals. Our society has stayed consistently bombarded by mass advertisements, political campaigning, and architectural renovation. The diversity to see color and empowering images shifts the mindset of the average drive or walk through any community.
Sebastian VELA VelazquezI have returned to some of my pieces the day after they are painted to stumble upon families taking photos or even women adorning the walls with flowers and banners creating the piece into an altar. Some of the images I paint interact with connections to spiritual realms or metaphysical themes. I encourage depictions of the creation of nature, supreme goddesses, and the interactions of a conscious mind. Artists and people who promote similar ideas in a spiritually suffering society are crucial links to a healthier future.